Animation in Powerpoint: Deep Insights To Boost Your Presentation in 2021

What is Animation in Powerpoint
Image Source – Flickr

One of the most amazing way to create Animation in powerpoint,  stunning office presentations and slides is by adding small transitions and effects to it. Powerpoint which is one of the softwares from Microsoft’s Office, developed by Microsoft and it used to create presentations, slides for students, working professionals. Adding animation inside powerpoint file adds life to the objects of powerpoint. For example, images, texts and other related clip arts etc.

Animation in Powerpoint

Powerpoint Animation can be of any type like text animation, slides animation or inserting graphics, images etc and giving them movement or rotation with respect to the content and background.

Adding effects which are stunning, have appeal and transition along with animation for text slides, is one of most powerful technique to make anything interesting needs Microsoft Powerpoint to do that. This is a software which does not require any drawing skills or any principle to follow and apply animation. Just exploring different parameters and choosing suitable layouts, graphics, text, colors and clip arts and using them effectively. Animation techniques used in this format are simply related to adding Ease in, Ease out, transition effects and adding appeal inside them and helping them look professional.

Animations in Microsoft Powerpoint

Image Source – FlickrAnimations in powerpoint can be applied on text boxes, images and with some transitions and effects make them appearing look like interesting. With the addition of Entrance and Exit animations, the slide can look more smooth. Adding motion path can also make look slide interesting. To make the presentation look interesting and making the audience connected to it, animation can be added and applied according to the With built-in animation and transition effects. Anyone who wants his or her presentation to look interesting and amazing can spend some time to learn it and then apply some creativity and create an amazing slide for his work.

What is Slide Animation?

What is Slide Animation
Image Source – Flickr

Slide animation is just a particular tools applied to a powerpoint file which offers the feature to add effects and add animations inside it. These animations can be later shared, viewed using powerpoint and even by free preview software inside windows. These slides can be played by pressing the F5 button in windows.

What is Transition in Powerpoint?

Powerpoint Animation
Image Source – Flickr

Transition are effects which when added produce small animations which when added give the powerpoint file effects while moving from one slide to another. A very good and positive sign while adding transitions is that we can control the speed, timing and other factors which can be customized according to the need of the project. transitions are also helpful in understanding the flow of the presentation and controlling the slides. Transitions can be added or removed or can be customized in the slide according to the requirement of the user.

What is Custom Animation in Powerpoint?

Adding sound along with effects can also be done inside powerpoint. Adding fade in, fade out or Ease in, Ease out are the features which are useful while working in powerpoint. These features can be applied to the slides or templates which can be later played, edited or compiled in a Ppt format.

Types of Animation in Powerpoint.

Types of Animation in Powerpoint

Powerpoint’s Animations can be divided into 4 categories. These categories are:

  • Entrance.
  • Emphasis.
  • Exit.
  • Motion Path.


It can also be divided into more options:

  • Blind.
  • Box.
  • Checkerboard.
  • Diamond.
  • Fly In.


can be divided into following options:

  • Change Font.
  • Change Font Size.
  • Change Font Style.
  • Grow/ Shrink.
  • Spin.



It can be divided into following options.

  • Blinds.
  • Box.
  • Checkerboards.
  • Diamond.
  • Fly Out.

And in the last,

Motion Path:

It can be divided into:

  • Diagonal Down Right.
  • Diagonal Up Right.
  • Down.
  • Left.
  • Right.
  • Up.
  • Draw Custom Path.

Above are mentioned some of the effects or parameters which can be applied to the slide for animation. Depending on the need for transition, these can be applied and once applied these effects can be customized individually.

An Example by Best of Powerpoint explaining everything about animation tricks used inside powerpoint slides and ppt presentations. Best of Powerpoint/ PPT Box is a channel having multimedia videos related to powerpoint and making cool effects and some creative work from the powerpoint which makes look like powerpoint as a very easy to operate the software.

Final thoughts: We are glad that you visited and read our article over Animation in Powerpoint, Animation is a topic which requires proper understanding of basics, concepts, and fundamentals. Even though Powerpoint animation is very different from Character and 2d animation. We are glad to provide you an article which is suitable for a person who is a newbie, can understand it very well and after going once through the parameters of powerpoint, can learn powerpoint very easily and can produce results effectively in form of stunning presentations having animations inside slides of them. thanks for reading our article. Please visit our other articles over Animation and other related topics.

I am a former Animator and Graphic Designer who has worked on many International and Domestic projects and Tv series and E-learning projects. I created Animation Alerts so that people who are struggling to learn animation can learn this craft and grow together.